Início em 15/09/2021 até 09/12/2021

Clementoni Soft Clemmy Design – New Product Design contest on Clementoni is looking for new ideas aimed at further developing and expanding the Soft Clemmy offer, a product range dedicated to 6 to 36-month-old toddlers that revolves around soft, hygienic and washable blocks.
Out of the Clementoni infant line, the Soft Clemmy block stands out for being “open mind & open end”, stimulating creativity by means of a sensorial exploration that can be defined as:
- autonomous – parental help while playing becomes optional
- free – no play patterns to reproduce, every action is part of a spontaneous playing experience
- safe – soft materials that can be can be put in the mouth safely
- pro-active – toddlers start the play experience themselves
- suitable for younger toddlers – no risk of toddlers hurting themselves
For more info:
Contest Timeline
Upload phase: 15 September 2021 – 9 December 2021 (1.59 PM UTC)
Client vote: from 9 December 2021
Winner announcement: approximately by the end of December 2021
Total Award
Eligibility Criteria
Participation is free of charge and open to designers and creative talents of any nationality aged 18 years or older.
For more info: