Green Product Award 2021

Início em 01/09/2020 até 30/11/2020

Categorias: 11 novembro2020

Green Product Award 2021 – Design, Sustainability & Cooperation!

Since 2013, the Green Product Award has distinguished sustainable, innovative products and services that are already on the market and offers participants a platform for networking.

It is aimed at start-ups and established companies who are proud to show their achievements to a broad public. That’s about 4 million contacts online and over 100,000 at trade fairs. There is the Green Concept Award especially for concepts.

The main theme “Future Village” is about new living and a sustainable lifestyle in the 10 main categories.



The award is divided into various categories. To take into account the different capabilities of start-ups and established companies, these are also evaluated separately. Have a look at what the categories include:



Participants enjoy advantages from the 3 award phases (pre-selection, nomination and winner). Early participation will be rewarded with additional benefits & reduced fees. Click to see the detailed Award & service overview .

Universal Perks

1. Receive one of the Green Product Award Seals (Pre-Selection, Nominee or Winner) with unrestricted advertising rights.
2. Get digital exposure to about 4 million contacts through our website and social media channels.
3. Integration in the Green Product Award website main gallery (1 year) & database (permanent).

Nominees & Winner Benefits

1. Eligibility to participate in the online public voting for the international Green Product Audience Award.
2. Product feature in the annual Green Trend Book and new E-book publication.
3. Evaluation and point based feedback by the international jury on design, innovation and sustainability.
4. Integration in expert pool for talks, workshops and spin-off projects.
5. Exhibition opportunities in Europe and invitation to our award ceremony in March in Münich.
6. Product features on partner websites e.g. on md INTERIOR DESIGN ARCHITECTURE.
7. Additional upgrades are available to promote your submission.

Schedule 2020/2021

1.09. – 31.10.2020 11:59 PM Regular Bird submission-phase
1.11. – 30.11.2020 11:59 PM Late Bird submissions
19.12. 2020 Nominees Announcement
19.12. – 31.1.2021 Public voting for the international Green Product Audience Award 2021
10.3.2021 Award ceremony for the jury- & audience-winners
10.3. – 14.03.2021 Exhibition at IHM – International Craft Fair, Munich

Participation & Fees

Fees are charged for participation to ensure that the award is carried out at a high quality level. Fees apply for submission and inclusion in the selection. These are reduced for start-ups to make it easier for them to participate. Students can apply for the Green Concept Award free of charge.
Click to see the detailed fee and service overview .

The Jury

Two mentors accompany and support the award. An international jury of experienced experts will assess the submissions with their know-how and thus determine the winners.


Interested parties can apply all year round – the earlier the submission takes place, the more advantages there are.

  • International Competition: Green Product Award 2021