Pavilion Of Humanity: First Contact / Edition #2

Início em 31/03/2023 até 23/07/2023

Categorias: 07 julho2023

The Pavilion Of Humanity: First Contact / Edition #2

competition is open until July 24, 2023, with winners of the 7,000 € prize fund to be announced on October 18, 2023.

The Earth is in a chaotic and confusing state right now, with the future of our society not entirely clear. But in a world of global pandemics, climate change, wars and a constant cost of living crisis, now is the time to reflect on the positive aspects of humanity and its many great achievements.

The Pavilion Of Humanity: First Contact architecture ideas competition tasks participants with designing a structure encapsulating the best and brightest of our species in a way that, should we ever be visited by other life forms, would allow them to learn about our achievements in a single space.

In the same way the Pioneer Plaques, placed on board the 1972 Pioneer 10 and 1973 Pioneer 11 spacecrafts, tell a pictorial story of humanity, the Pavilion of Humanity should represent the human race through architecture. The Pioneer Plaques included figures of a man and a woman, the sun and galactic landmarks, a schematic diagram of the Solar System, and a silhouette of the spacecraft. These drawings were designed to give extraterrestrials a basic understanding of humanity and the Earth.

What would you want to tell aliens about the human race? The Pavilion Of Humanity: First Contact / Edition #2 is the second in a series of competitions that looks to do just that. In the same way the Pioneer Plaques placed on board the 1972 Pioneer 10 and 1973 Pioneer 11 spacecrafts tell a pictorial story of humanity, the Pavilion of Humanity looks to represent the human race through architecture. In a world of climate change and a constant cost of living crisis, it can be easy to forget some of humanity’s greatest achievements, and this competition is tasking participants with creating an architectural reminder that humanity isn’t all bad.



3 winning proposals, 2 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Buildner (formerly Bee Breeders) will award a total of 7,000 € in prize money to competition winners as follows:

1st Prize – 3,000 €
2nd Prize – 1,500 €
3rd Prize – 1,000 €
+ 6 honourable mentions

Buildner Student Award – 1,000 € + 50 € gift card at ARCHHIVE BOOKS
Buildner Sustainability Award – 500 €



Advance Registration: March 28 – May 25
Last Minute Registration: May 26 – July 24

Final registration deadline: July 24, 2023
Closing date for submission: September 4, 2023 (11:59 p.m. LONDON TIME)
Announcement of the winners: October 18, 2023

Visit for more information.

  • First Contact / Edition #2: Pavilion Of Humanity