Wan Awards 2010 | Atelier de arquitetura português na shortlist

Categorias: Arquitetura

A revista online World Architecture News com o apoio da União Internacional de Arquitectos, UIA, atribuiu o WAN AWARDS 2010 para Equipamentos Comerciais ao projecto da KEPCO Headquarters, Naju, Coreia do Sul do Atelier Haeahn Architecture + H Associates e à obra do European Investment Bank HQ, Luxemburgo, do Atelier ingenhoven architects.


No mesmo concurso, o Atelier português Imago com o projecto Spinpark – Incubadora de empresas foi seleccionado para a shortlist dos cinco projectos construídos.


IMAGO’s new office building designed as an ‘incubator’ for technology companies


This building is designated to house small and medium technological companies. The volumes are configured into pieces within a spiral-shaped external peel. The exterior is wrapped by a continuous concrete form that exposes the translucent interior of the building where the boxes of the companies are located. It is a similar effect as the one of peeling of an orange; more dense in the centre, and less dense as one stands back from it. The effect of spiral allows one to see the internal spaces of the building, making it more permeable to the light and to the surroundings.


Access to the building is from the direction of the opaque element that unifies the block from top to bottom, with the entrance at street level. The block is set on pieces allowing one to cross from the external space between the parking lot and the future park to south, permitting views to the interior of the building.

The main entrance of the building is located in the middle of the structure, distinguished by a facade with larger dimensions. The boxes for business technology services work as modular elements extended to the needs of each company. They are tied to structural elements, and suspended on the square, giving the building different degrees of transparency and light in the central space.

Level 3 may become an extension of space for that kind of business. The areas allocated to the industrial technology company, located in the lower level, are also modular and with flexible use, allowing them to get together or separate the spaces as required.


Mais informações em www.worldarchitecturenews.com

