24h competition – culturEart

Início em 19/02/2022 até 20/02/2022

Categorias: 02 fevereiro2022

IF it is an international platform for competitions that aims to connect ideas from different areas of society in order to help transform cities and make them increasingly self-sustaining, efficient and green.

We are looking for innovative ideas and new ways of thinking.

In a global emergency period, it is increasingly important that we think globally.

IF is the space

Here, you can try and experiment, everything is possible!


A place where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity.

This contest aims to present 24-hour architectural responses to the problems affecting cities and society today and consecutively the world, with a very strong focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly measures.

Commitment, perseverance, inspiration and hard work are all the necessary bases to develop a proposal that meets the premises that will be regularly disclosed in the competition summary.

There is a registration period when it ends, the competition starts!

You have 24 hours to develop a proposal that responds to the program contained in the contest brief that will only be available on the same day of the competition.

Take the risk!



The heart of culture will be the epicenter of all emotions, this Sacred place of wisdom and knowledge that feeds a people and moves them forward. Here minds are opened, and the reason is challenged. Feeling takes place and takes us to places we didn’t know existed. We will be less reason and more emotion and, therefore, more human.

We will have the ability to dream and unveil the hidden. Learning that 1 + 1 may not be two and a square may not be just a square. Knowledge through culture has an abstract dimension that cannot be explained, but that is felt. Art is born, and the heartbeats!



Download the brief here on the competition day, February 19th!


Registration period from November 14th to December 14th at 23:59

Regular registration period from December 15th to January 31st at 23:59

Late period of registration from February 1st to February 19that 11:59

After the competition start

Publication of winners and honorable mentions at  www.if-ideasforward.com on March 31st

the competition date

February 19th to February 20th

The competition begins on February 19th 12:00 noon and ends at February 20th 12:00 noon (Lisbon time)


1st Place € 500+ publication on the website, social networks and media partners +  24H free registration +  24h competition eBook

2nd Place € 150 – publication in website, social networks and media partners + 24H free registration + 24h competition eBook

3rd Place € 50 –  publication in website, social networks and media partners + 24H free registration + 24h competition eBook

7 Honorable Mentions – publication in website, social networks and media partners

For more information send email to  info@if-ideasforward.com
  • 24h competition: culturEart