Início em 05/02/2018 até 10/02/2018

The central idea of the Winter School 2018 is the free exchange of information, experiences and results of recent research and development activities, in a number of topics related to multidisciplinary area of applied computing , between researchers from the -IUL of the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), as well as from other national and international academic institutions.
The Winter School aims at achieving a greater mutual understanding between those same researchers and the creation of real synergies that enhance fundamental, applied and transdisciplinary research projects, in the short, medium and long terms, in various scientific areas that are part or are somehow linked with applied computing, targeting successful proposals production (H2020, P2020, FCT and others R&D project).
This winter school aims at i) strengthening research synergies between the ISTAR-IUL members from computer sciences, architecture and mathematic and between them and external researchers and ii) reaching national and international MSc and PhD students.
The central theme of this Winter School is “Applied transdisciplinary research” and we have three related sessions: Group synergies, Ignite talks and Birds of a Feather. Besides the exchange of information the aim of these sessions is to enhance synergies and transdisciplinary research. Besides these session there are four workshops exploring new research tools and methods.
Keynote delegates are Richard Jennings from the faculty of Science of the Liverpool John Moores University and (TBA).
The Winterschool 2018 of is the first one that unites all the research groups and researchers from ISTAR-IUL. It evolves from the past three events of the Summer Workshop of Microsoft and ISTAR on Applied Computing (SUWMIAC) 1st, 2nd (Digital Living Spaces) and 3rd (Engineering our world) developed in collaboration with Microsoft.
Workshop 01: Graphical Abstracts
February 5th | 9:30-13:30
Workshop Tutors: Marco Neves
Session that seeks to demonstrate the importance of a visual format, which accompanies the communication of research results.
It will be presented the elements of visual order of greater relevance in scientific dissemination.
The main criteria of graphical composition to be considered in the development and execution of graphical abstracts, as well as the initial understanding of the info graphic language and the synthesis of complex information will be explained.
Chair: Manuela Aparício
Workshop 02: Discovering Data Mining Knowledge in R.
February 9th | 9:30-13:30
Workshop Tutors: Sérgio Moro
This program aims to be an introduction to the analysis and modeling of data through data mining, a comprehensive concept that aims, through analytical models, the extraction of knowledge that can translate into a competitive advantage for any real world problem. To do this, it will be necessary to: (1) understand the problem as well as the variables that characterize it, analyzing them; (2) preparing the data for modeling; (3) application of modeling techniques (eg decision tree and neural networks); (4) evaluation of results. The goal is for participants to gain sensitivity to data mining, and understand its potential and applicability, as well as the inherent challenges.
Workshop 03: Arches Heritage Inventory and Management
February 9th-10th | 9:30-18:00
Workshop Tutor: Richard Jennings
The workshop will run over two days. In the morning of the first day Richard will give a presentation of Arches* and outline its potential application in the heritage management sector and beyond. This will be followed by a discussion of how to start planning to work with Arches v4 and what makes for a good project design. He will also talk about the CiDOC CRM. In the afternoon we will go though the steps involved in setting up an Arches Project. On the first day we will use existing Arches datasets to pursue these steps and to demonstrate its potential. On the second day we will aim to get participants started on their own Arches projects in order that they can continue to develop them on completion of the Workshop.
Chair: Soraya Genin
Workshop 04: Low-Code Software Development
February 9th | 9:30-18:00
Workshop Tutors: Fernado Brito Abreu; Vasco Amaral; Carlos Costa; Lúcio Ferrão.
Keynote Speaker: TBA
Low-code development platforms (LCDPs) allow for creating apps through configuration of functions, rather than coding those functions. That configuration is usually performed through drag-and-drop visual interfaces and form builders. LCDPs are based on the principles of model-driven design, automatic code generation, and visual programming. They reduce the amount of traditional hand-coding, enabling accelerated delivery of business applications, as well as lower the initial cost of setup, training, and deployment.
In this international workshop we will have two reputable representatives of the LCDP “movement”. Participants will have the chance to get hands-on experience on how these two platforms will deal with a realistic example. Antonia Bertolino, one of the most influential European researchers in Software Engineering will motivate a final discussion, by providing a provocative, food for thought, keynote speech.
Chair: Fernando Brito e Abreu
Session 1: Group synergies
February 7th, 14:30-18:30 (room TBA)
The group synergies session aims at describing current research and foster new research opportunities among the members of ISTAR-IUL’s four research groups. In this session we will have six shorts talks, by members of different groups. We’ll have two types of talks: some will describe past or present research; and the others researchers, from each group, will be asked to brainstorm on joint research that could lead to common project submissions and PhD projects. With this session ISTAR-IUL aims at creating ideas to develop joint research among their members.
Chair: Sara Eloy
February 7th, 18:30-19:30 (room TBA)
The Birds of a Feather (BoF) session aims to match researchers with shared interest for informal and hopefully productive discussions. Different researchers will propose topics on the research areas of ISTAR-IUL: Digital Living Spaces, Information Systems, Software Systems Engineering, and Complexity Computational Modelling. Winter School attendees are supposed to subscribe on site to a topic that arises their interest and are willing to discuss.
Chairs: Manuela Aparício & Ricardo Resende
Session 3: Ignite Talks
February 8th, 14:30-18:30 (room TBA)
The ISTAR Winter School Ignite Talks Sessions are addressed to all ISTAR-IUL PhD students. Each student will do a presentation of no more than 5 minutes and then discussion follows. A highly recommended format for this type of presentation is the presenter to get 20 slides, which automatically advance every 15 seconds. The result is a fast and fun presentation which last just 5 minutes.
The goal is to create an environment conducive to the interaction between the participants, making each one take notice of the projects of others, hoping that this will result in new ideas leading either to new projects or to the enrichment of the current ones. In the case of ISTAR-IUL, it is also expected, with these sessions, to attend to one of the repairs of the audit committee that recently visited us, noting the lack of interaction between ISTAR-IUL PhD students.
Chair: Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira
- Scientific Committee
- Fernado Brito e Abreu (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Manuela Aparício (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Ricardo Resende (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Sérgio Moro (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Soraya Genin (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Organizing Committee
- Fátima Stevens (ISTAR-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Maria João de Oliveira (DINÂMIA’CET-IUL, ISCTE-IUL)
- Tema: ISTAR-IUL WinterSchool 2018