TERNULLOMELO ARCHITECTS venceu o concurso do Edifício Histórico da Rocca

Categorias: Arquitetura

TERNULLOMELO ARCHITECTS venceu o concurso de ideias para o restauro e reutilização do edifício histórico da Rocca e parque adjacente em Nogarole Rocca, Verona, Itália.


The design intent is to restore the Fortess’s monumental and representative character, a stage for crossed activities, events, connections, services, meetings, allowing a continuous flow, day and night, and inter-connected to different users (tourists, young and senior citizens…).

The project has three main goals: the rehabilitation of the inner courtyard, transformed into a piazza, the poly-functionalization of the existing buildings and the requalification of Rocca’s Park.


Piazza Scaligera 
“The squares (..) are the formal space of the community, the place where history, cultural movements, artistic styles, material culture, collective imagination, symbolic projections, established rituals, traditions and behavioral habits intersection occurs.” 
(C. Dardi, Place d’Italie, in “Agora”, 1, Rome 1987)

The redevelopment of the inner courtyard, conceived as a mend to Nogarole’s social and connective tissue, foresees a stabilized earth and stone paving and the addition of chairs and tables, in order to restore its original aggregative potential. The Piazza Scaligera, whose name derives from one of the most important noble families residing in the fortress, is crossed by a pedestrian-cycle path attaching the town’s old road to the Torre Storta o di Roncaraldo.


Rocca’s buildings
The program for the Rocca’s reuse derives of the historical interpretation of the functional and formal invariants of the buildings. The West and East wings (manor and workers house) keep their residential character, hosting an accommodation structure, while for the remaining wings of the Rock, historically subject to major functional upheavals, a flexible program has been prepared, designed to improve and increase services to citizens.
The inclusion of various public services, such as the information desk and welcoming center, ATM,postbox, bicycle parking and renting, promotes and enhances the Piazza Scaligera’s livability, allowing a collective participation of the recovery and preservation of this great historical and architectural heritage.


Parco della Rocca
The proposal is based on the interpretation of the site’s historical evolution, highlighting traces and relationships.
Water, an essential element for landscape design, structures the project for the Urban Park.
On the one hand, we investigate through the obvious signs of existing vegetation to bring to light the main water structure, which marked the fortress from 1600 onwards: the lake.
On the other hand, the channel, natural boundary of the intervention, is revitalized through simple enhancement of the corresponding vegetable plants, which constitute the identity of the place.
This way the palimpsest of the project is defined.


Project Team
Stefania Stellacci, Eliano Dias Felício


Landscape Architecture
Paratelier – Monica Ravazzolo (principal), Angela Garcia Pereda, Bojan Balen (collaborators)


Economic Feasibility Study
Insight Engineering S.r.l.  – Lino Girometta, Giuseppe Bianco
