Casa Figueira da Foz
Casa no Bonfim
Casa Capitão Pombeiro
Casa Visconde Setúbal
Categorias: ArquitetosPorto
Architecture and Spirit aren’t concrete entities, but ideal concepts: Architecture is to building as Spirit is to living.
Human beings formulated these concepts for the pursuit of emancipation from the transience of life. We human beings yearn for absoluteness since our science doesn’t give us absolute answers.
Architecture has materiality and a SpiritAlessandro Pepe Arquitecto is a small company located in Porto. Our team is constituted by approximately 10 elements. Our work is constituted by 70% of residential projects. 50% of our commissions include the restoration of existing buildings. Our influences are mostly from European (prominently Italian) historical architecture and contemporary Portuguese architecture.
- Rua Faria Guimarães, 718, 6º piso
- 4200-289 Porto Portugal